[V8] the job begins ... T Belt 93V8 .

MORRALEE David David.Morralee at alcatel-lucent.com
Fri Jun 15 11:51:19 EDT 2007

Did you break the sides off and inspect the coolant passages?  Or are
you talking about the exterior? 

no I looked inside of the Rad and it was very clean and could see no
Obstructions. The rad is still in good condition so I didn't want to
damage it by breaking the sides off ... It will make a good spare :-) 

It takes a blade fuse, available at most FLAPS or Foreign parts places. 
You can do lots of wire damage (let the smoke out) upstream if you get a
short downstream of where the fuse is supposed to be.  The fan can also
catch fire (never seen this on an Audi, but on other brands) if left un

As I have driven it for a few years I have had no Fan trouble at all ...
Perhaps the 93 had a different fuse set up than the earlier. Once I
finish the three big jobs I would look into why the PO put a wire across
the terminals .

1/4 inch, or 45 degrees?  They should be pretty solid, unlike a "normal"
car with a geared distributor, the V8Q shaft goes into a slot, so you
won't have the same play you get from riding on the gears.

Further investigation is need on this to see if it is the rotor that is
loose or the shaft ... I think it is the later ... The movement of the
rotor is about 20 degrees movement ...very strange consider that the car
showed NO signs of IGN problem. Will get new rotors .

Holy breaker bar, Batman!  Although some of the newer 1/2 inch  guns
have the torque of 3/4 guns.  

I should note that when using the 3/4 Impact gun that there where No
dizzy locks in place and that the whole T-belt was still together . 

Thanks for your reply cobram 


-----Original Message-----
From: cobram at juno.com [mailto:cobram at juno.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 9:09 PM
Cc: v8 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [V8] the job begins ... T Belt 93V8 .

 "MORRALEE David" <David.Morralee at alcatel-lucent.com> writes:

> being clever I bought a bran new rad ..... took old rad out then 
> inspected and noticed the insides look bran new ??? what is up with 
> that ? If these rads do clog up ... does it happen where you can't see

Did you break the sides off and inspect the coolant passages?  Or are
you talking about the exterior? 

> I noticed where Rad Fan  hooks up electrically (black plastic box ) to

> the engine bay ( fender ) someone has put a wire It takes a blade
fuse, available at most FLAPS or Foreign parts places. 
You can do lots of wire damage (let the smoke out) upstream if you get a
short downstream of where the fuse is supposed to be.  The fan can also
catch fire (never seen this on an Audi, but on other brands) if left un
fused.across the terminals 
> .

> 2) serpentine damper , mine seems to move freely back and forth with 
> not too much resistance .... is this normal .?

If belt tension is OK, should be fine.

> 3) both rotors have 1/4 quarter movement ( circular movement ) will 
> have to look at it again , not sure if the shaft moved or the rotor 
> moved.

1/4 inch, or 45 degrees?  They should be pretty solid, unlike a "normal"
car with a geared distributor, the V8Q shaft goes into a slot, so you
won't have the same play you get from riding on the gears.

> > I have the front end off and the t belt exposed. The crank bolt
> came off nice ... just a note if you have a good compressor with a 3/4

> Impact gun ,

Holy breaker bar, Batman!  Although some of the newer 1/2 inch  guns
have the torque of 3/4 guns.  

We come into the world naked, screaming and covered in blood. Why should
the fun end there?

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