[V8] Idle stablizer question & intro

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Sun Mar 4 18:40:16 EST 2007

Brian P. wrote:
> I narrowed the problem down to an idle stabelizer. ... 
>  Anyway, onto the question! I think I
> found it. It's at the very front of the engine and is a cylinder shape 
> thing that has 3 acorn nuts that hold it down and a wire harness 
> sticking out of the other end. Is this what I'm looking for? If so, can 
> I just unbolt it and clean it out, or does it have to be sealed with 
> something when I put it back on? Is there any sort of fluids that will 
> come leaking out when I take it off? 

Welcome to the list. You may find this helpful:

Also, unless you have printed documentation as to when the timing belt 
was last changed, you might want to give serious considerations to 
changing it real soon. Even if the mileage doesn't require it, it should 
be changed every 5 years. A broken timing belt will trash your engine. 
It isn't cheap (about $800 in parts, about another $800 in labor if you 
don't do it yourself), and may be why the previous owner decided to get 
rid of the car.

(And where do you people find all these $1500 V8s?)

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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