[V8] Was:Bangle-butted bungles, now brake warp

NicolCS at aol.com NicolCS at aol.com
Thu Mar 8 13:16:52 EST 2007

ekellock at gmail.com wrote:
<My understanding is that warp is not really warp, it is pad  deposits
unevenly distributed on the rotor when the pad becomes hot enough  to
melt just a bit and leave some behind.  The italian tune-up works  to
remove or at least redistribute those deposits.>
Hmm, I've never heard of "pad deposits". When I've turned warped rotors on  a 
brake lathe, lots metal is removed in order to get them true again. They  are 
truly "warped" The only surface abnormality I've seen on brake rotors are  
"hot-spots" that are metallurgically fried and become glazed or grabby, and rust 
 imprints from long-term parking. Rusted areas also become grabby.  I've  
never tried an "Italian tune-up" but it sounds plausible, if, if, &  if.

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