[V8] Was:Bangle-butted bungles, now brake warp

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 21:19:34 EST 2007

Whether warped or not, no brake rotor is completely even after is has
been in use for some time.  There are ridges and grooves all the way
across the surface.  If nothing else, there are ridges on the extreme
edge of the rotor outside of the area where the pad actually contacts
the rotor.


On 3/8/07, NicolCS at aol.com <NicolCS at aol.com> wrote:
> ekellock at gmail.com wrote:
> <My understanding is that warp is not really warp, it is pad  deposits
> unevenly distributed on the rotor when the pad becomes hot enough  to
> melt just a bit and leave some behind.  The italian tune-up works  to
> remove or at least redistribute those deposits.>
> Hmm, I've never heard of "pad deposits". When I've turned warped rotors on  a
> brake lathe, lots metal is removed in order to get them true again. They  are
> truly "warped" The only surface abnormality I've seen on brake rotors are
> "hot-spots" that are metallurgically fried and become glazed or grabby, and rust
>  imprints from long-term parking. Rusted areas also become grabby.  I've
> never tried an "Italian tune-up" but it sounds plausible, if, if, &  if.
> Craig
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