[V8] Help! Hood won't open!

Gunter Lorberg glforensic at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 10 20:32:27 EST 2007

Had this happen to me a few years back.  The V8, being a higher quality car, has a double latch system.  In fact, it is so good that it is sometimes simply impossible to open the hood!....reassuring at 150mph....not so good when servicing is needed.

You will need to release both latches manually, one at a time, from under the car.  Start with the driver's side latch.  You can access that small release lever, to which one end of the cable is attached, simply by reaching up from below with your arm...it's a stretch but possible.  I believe that the lever may even be visible from below with a good light.  Simply press the lever medially until you hear that latch release.  

The passenger side lever is not visible from below and there may be too many obstructions to directly reach it with your fingers.  Use a wooden stick, perhaps similar to one you might get from a paint store for stirring paint, as an extension in order to press that lever medially.  Be careful, however, to not damage the upper rad small nipple which connects to the overflow tank.  That should release the other latch and you should be all set.

(2) Canadian '90 V8's
Ontario during the week, Upstate NY on weekends.

----- Original Message ----
From: Brian P. <residentevil59 at hotmail.com>
To: v8 at audifans.com
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 1:37:48 PM
Subject: [V8] Help! Hood won't open!

Well I was going to clean my ISV today but I can't get the hood open! The 
cable snapped somewhere and the only thing I'm able to get at through the 
grille is the secondary cable that lets you open it once it's poped. Can 
anyone tell me hoe to get to the main latch to pop the hood?

Thanks in advance

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