[V8] Timing Belt = Half Time Show

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 21 23:34:24 EDT 2007


I certainly didn't take it the wrong way. Just wanted to give a perspective 
as to why it was incomplete. In fact, I thought it was also. But, in some 
ways a picture is worth a thousand words.

As for the chrome, I don't really remember anything other than the two 
screws on each side. You can see it attached to the radiator support on the 
floor in pic 2H. I've also completely removed the front end piece by piece, 
but that's another story (I had a first time once, too). I think it took 
about six hours to get it back together. As for removing the front end, I 
think after the first time it's pretty easy. In fact, I recently had a 
no-start problem that got a bit long. I removed the front end. I think I've 
got it down to about 45 minutes, maybe an hour. The worst part is draining 
the cooling system.

The trans lines are a tighten a bit, then push/wiggle, tighten a bit, 
push/wiggle, and so on. I believe the manual also calls for a bit of 
swearing, or talking nice, at this point. It's your preference ;-)

The crank pulley and harmonic balancer do have to come apart. The pulley for 
the TB on the crank should be on the car when you reinstall the TB.

The way you are describing tensioning the belt is exactly how I did it. The 
way I interpret it, I set the basic tension with the spring tensioner. Then. 
I did the final tension with the other tensioner, which requires a special 
tool. Same as the other VAG cars, though.

Oh, and the crankpulley is keyed to the crank.

Every day is paradise in V8 land ;-)
Tony Hoffman

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott Simmons" <indischrot at gmail.com>
To: "Tony and Lillie" <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net>
Cc: "V8 Audi Fans" <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: [V8] Timing Belt = Half Time Show

> Tony,
>    No personal attacks were intended in regards to the KB.  I truly 
> appreciate the time and effort that went into its creation and it has 
> helped me immensely.
>  There's no signs that the bumper had been removed previously.  Had I had 
> a tool to remove the fan clutch, I probably would not have removed the 
> front end either.
  Any suggestions from the rest of y'all on how to get those lines
> back on?  I've heard you're not supposed to use the bolt to "pull them" 
> onto the radiator but I see no other way.....
>    Also, the harmonic balancer and the crank pulley came off at once and 
> it appeared that they were one unit until reasoning dictated otherwise. 
> They're pretty stuck together.  I have a feeling I'm going to need to 
> separate them in order to get the belt on and tensioned?  I didn't pay 
> much attention at the time (and car's locked up in the shop) but is the 
> crankshaft keyed to the pulley?  I would imagine it is so one could 
> determine TDC.
>    My chrome didn't seem to want to come off with just those two phillips 
> removed and I didn't want to force it.  Do all those other nuts along the 
> underside hold it on as well?  OR:  by off do you mean completely off the 
> car, or just off the rest of the body?
>    I am not planning on dicking with the camshaft sprockets (i.e. 
> loosening them for tensioning).  As long as I ensure a tight belt between 
> the sprockets and on the non-tensioned side, is this going to cause any 
> ill effects?
> Another day in paradise,
> Scott Simmons 

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