[V8] Electric cooling fan needed

d saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Mon May 14 11:51:29 EDT 2007

If you have not physically burned up the motor, the failure is a very
cheap bearing. You can get one at any electric motor rebuilder shop - and
I suggest anyone who wants to avoid paying the $400+ dollars for a new
motor replace this part before it fails. Is pretty easy to do.
even found some brushes that fit. I think this motor works out to around 1
horse power - a lot!
 I also found that a fan from an older Chevy
truck physically fits, but it is only about half the power of the Audi
unit. As I recall, the brush holder from the Chevy fan fit the housing for
the Audi, and I was able to rebuild my burned up motor for cheap. If the
rotor is burned you are "toast" though. 


> Fred,
> Try Ron W, or
Tim H or Chris @ force 5.. (Bruce is out of the Used Parts
> Game
or so says his website).. World Impex lists it as a dealer part:

> IMPEX SKU # 10041
> (OEM part number:
> List Price: $474.34 :: Impex Price:
> Good luck!,
> Scott
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