[V8] Running temps?

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Sat May 19 19:47:11 EDT 2007

I just made it through the radiator R&R and wouldn't be surprised if I didn't need to.  My symptoms were cyl head temp sensor readings of ~100C, confirmed by laser gun, upper rad hose temps of 180F +- 5 degrees each bank, upper radiator temps of 170F and lower rad temps metal and hose @ outlet ~75 F!  I didn't think any rad could be that efficient.  Add in that the lower rad hose gained in temp till it measured almost 130F as it entered the engine (8 inches later?).  It seemed/seems to me that the coolant ain't as cool as it should be re-entering the engine and that heated coolant was backing up due to a clogged rad.  Certainly it isn't clogged now.  Could this be a water pump issue?  (changed with the tbelt 12K ago @ stealership!) Any BTDT?  I would expect as my cyl head sensor reads 100C+- I'd also get high temps at the outlet but the fans never comes on because the outlet never even sees 100F let alone 100C.  The Bentley doesn't give degrees of on or off, but the lower sensor Ohms perfectly for room temp, can't get it to 130 C to check for closed circuit but Ohms move linearly till water at 100C so I assume its fine.  Any ideas welcome.
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