[V8] Alignment specs

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Tue May 22 14:40:32 EDT 2007

At the moment, I only have one set of wheels that will fit over the
brakes on that car.  Well, one set that I wanted to use and seemed
suitable for winter use, anyway.  For now, this is the only car that
this is the case for.  It will not be the case next fall, however.


On 5/22/07, Kneale Brownson <knealeski at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Doesn't everyone have a hoist?  HeHe.  I waited years to get to where I
> could manage that purchase, of course.
> But why would you need a tire machine if you have spare wheels and tires?
> Or is it too much work to switch?  Before hoist, I did it in the driveway on
> jackstands for quite a while.
> Ed Kellock <ekellock at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, at the time I wasn't concerned at all really, as it looked like
> they hit the jack points okay, though the cups on those jacks were
> quite large, like coffee cup saucers so I wondered if they were
> hitting anything besides the jack point, but ultimately... well, let's
> put it this way, I haven't even been bothered enough about it to go
> inspect it.
> It was just funny to see it in the air like that and when I read about
> the other Dave's concern about having anyone touch his car, I
> identified with that and it reminded me of the tire experience,
> because I was wondering the whole time how much expense and trouble it
> would be to have my own tire machine.
> Where the heck I'd put it is a whole 'nother deal. As it is, I have
> stacks of bagged tires/wheels in the corners of my living room with
> Indian... er Native American blankets thrown over them, serving quite
> nicely as cat condos.

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