[V8] Block Heating

Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 11:43:13 PST 2007

Yes, that's the general consensus.  You're getting 0 mpg and running on 
open loop for longer.  But dammit.. that leather is cold in the morning. ;)

I let the car idle for about two or three minutes while I'm 
de-icing/snowing the car or getting adjusted/fiddling with radio.

Kneale Brownson wrote:

> You Audi owner manual says to avoid idling to warm up.  "No warmup is 
> necessary".  Just drive off conservatively until the engine reaches 
> normal operating temperatures.  By then the tranny and chassis lubes 
> should be sufficiently exercised to not be harmed by aggressive driving.
> I think the reason Audi advises against standing warmups is because 
> the ECU makes startup fuel mixtures very rich, and just standing dumps 
> unused fuel into the cats and contributes to plug fouling.
> */Scott Simmons <indischrot at gmail.com>/* wrote:
>     Thank you Bob. That helps me make an informed decision. I just need
>     someone to drive the car around town while I work (and put gas in it)
>     then pick me up and let me tear into it. ;D
>     Y'know, I have a theory. Every person that says to "never let your
>     car
>     idle to warm up!" has a garage...

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