[V8] solid subframe mounts

J123fs at aol.com J123fs at aol.com
Mon Oct 8 20:31:05 PDT 2007

Hey all,
Anyone have line on solid subframe mounts for the V8 -or- know  someone who 
might be willing to turn a few of them? I have seen 5000, 4000,  and CQ ones 
but not V8 ones- 3B might have done them before but did not return  my email, 
and they don't have them on their website now.....:-(
I had some made for my previous car (worked awesome), but my machinist  buddy 
now lives in Michigan and doesn't have a shop that will let him do "fun"  
stuff like alum subframe mounts like his previous employer.
The car that had them on them previously may now be at Force 5- (owner  after 
me wrecked the motor just after a 2500+ TB job by holing the pan on a  
speedbump), so going to call Chris and see....
They -only- cost me a case of beer last time- ha ha!
Thanks in advance,

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