[V8] spark plug pulsing????

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 15 19:13:08 PDT 2007

No the car feels powerfull!!! Rev's quiet freeley!
 What I mean by pulsing is......using this pic for

....today being the 1st day I really got to drive the
car like I stole it, I was outside & had the hood
up...just making sure everything was doing what it was
supposed to be doing. Mind you just had this whole
motor apart & put it back together with some VERY
ported & polished heads...yada yada yada....just
keeping a close eye on things. When I went to move the
#1 spark plug wire into the chanell cause it wasn't in
there good. So I put my hand ontop of the 2nd plug
wire top from the front..it felt like someone was
poking my hand with there finger. So I pressed down a
little harder cause I thought maybe the plug wire
wasn't fully pressed in..well thats when I could
actually hear a knocking noise comming from the cavern
were the plug is.

 I get that from the pass side 2nd & 3rd plug/wire. &
the last nearest the firewall on the driver side.

 I talked to someone who said I may have 3 bad plugs.
 I did remove the 2nd plug wire from the spark plug &
tried to re-torque it....but it seemed like it was
when I had just torqued them all down.

 I'm going to pull the offending plug wires & swap
them with some spairs & see what happens. If it
doesn't change then I'll pull the 3 plugs & see if the
porcalean is cracked..or something defective with the
plug. But I took a look at each & everyone of them
before I put them in to check the gap...& they all
looked fine. I didn't man handle them while putting
them in...so I'm sure I got my base covered there.

 Oh well I'll take a look tomorrow.


--- Tony and Lillie <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net>

> Ron, that sounds like bad wires, but......not
> entirely sure from the 
> description. When you say pulsing, do you mean
> missing? And, what exactly do 
> you mean by knock? Pre-ignition, rod knock, misfire
> snapping, or something 
> else?
> Tony
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ron Wainwright" <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>
> To: <v8 at audifans.com>
> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 5:14 PM
> Subject: [V8] spark plug pulsing????
> > Listers, not sure how to explain this other than
> too
> > say that I can feel a pulsing when I put my finger
> > ontop of 3 of the 8 spark plug boots at the top of
> the
> > spark plug. If I press down a little harder on the
> 3
> > that are pulsing I can hear a knocking noise.
> > I just put new Autolight plugs in after I rebuilt
> the
> > motor. I'm sure there torqued down properley.
> >
> > I did see if they were torqued down & they
> > are....could I have 3 bad spark plugs...or 3 bad
> > wires?
> >
> > Any help?
> >
> > ron
> >
> >
> >
> >
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