[V8] handbrake cable

J123fs at aol.com J123fs at aol.com
Wed Oct 17 06:23:59 PDT 2007

Hello all,
Anyone done handbrake cable replacement- and know any shortcuts and or  
pitfalls?? Also how long did it take you? I haven't replaced one before, but  have 
on a 5000. Any BTDT, and is it like a 5000?
I'm replacing the rear pads/ HB cable and blower motor tomorrow in  
anticpation of winter and the MA$$ state inspection- should be fun! 
Just replaced the whole front end (tie rods, C-arms, SB bushings and SF  
mounts) and must say the car feels new- no crashing noises upon hitting the  
smallest things! :-) took me 4.25 hours yesterday. 
I must say dropping the swaybar to replace the bushings c-arms turned out  to 
be the best thing I have done when doing front end R&R as I didn't fight  to 
get the c-arm and swaybar/ strut lined up. Went back together perfect  (no 
fighting) and then levered and jacked the swaybar back into postion and  
tightened it down. Wish I knew to do that 3-4 Type 44 front ends ago! No more  
fighting the strut assembly to get things lined up!
Thanks in advance,

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