[V8] ECU, IA chip, and Speed Limiter

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Wed Sep 19 15:35:36 PDT 2007

AWHdcny at aol.com writes:

> have a '93 V8 with 165000 miles.  My question is, I am using Pro  

> Also, how can you identify an 'Intended Acceleration chip' as 
> opposed to  the standard 'chip' in the ECU?  I have an ECU that is
supposed to  have 
> an IA  chip, but the standard ECU chip has the same numbers on  it. 

Some in the past have put after market chips into prom readers...only to
find the factory parameters.  Don't recall which brands through.  Others
would reprogram the factory chip.  If they're marked identically you can
only know for sure by reading the hex or comparing driveability.
> Also, where is the speed limiter located and how to disable?

What speed limiter?  The only speed limiter on the '90 is power and drag.
 I don't think they added one in the '93.  The "wall" on the 3.6L
automatic is about 148 MPH indicated.  Listers have reported the factory
3.6L with a stick will get up to around 162MPH indicated before hitting
the wall.
I live on a one-way street that's also a dead end. I'm not sure how I got
here, or how I'm going to get out.

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