[V8] Intermittant Cluster lights
Ingo Rautenberg
ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 09:43:30 PDT 2008
Possible headlight switch prob? Have had this happen, too (marginal
burnt contacts). Also, remove the plastic license plate light covers
and bulbs and check for any corrosion in the sockets. I've seen
marginal contacts that can also manifest themselves into the problem
you describe.
On Aug 15, 2008, at 12:34 PM, Jason Wilkerson wrote:
> I haven't dove into the wiring diagrams yet - but I wondered if
> anyone has had a BTDT on all of
> the dash lights going out. Sometimes they work, sometimes they
> work but dim, like the dimmer has
> been turned down, sometimes they go out completely. The rear
> license plate lights work, and last
> time I had the dash out I checked the output from the cluster for
> the signal from the POT on the
> dimmer - looked ok. If I hit the dash when they are out, sometimes
> they will come back on. It is
> getting worse and it is annoying. Anybody? Thanks in advance.
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