[V8] timing belts
Ingo Rautenberg
ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 10:14:43 PDT 2008
Good idea, Ed.
Aside from the obvious problem of a deteriorating belt is bad idlers
and bad water pump.
If any of these pieces fails(seizes) , even with a perfect belt -- I
shudder at the thought.
On Aug 15, 2008, at 12:53 PM, Ed Kellock wrote:
> On my "new" 94, the belt is about 10 years and 76k miles old. The
> back of
> it has very small cracks like weather checking on tires. When I
> checked it,
> the belt was very loose on the driver's side cam gear, so much so
> that I
> could have slipped it off if I tried. Another section of the belt
> was snug
> though. It made me very uncomfortable with driving it much at
> all. I'll be
> doing the belt asap.
> Ed
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: v8-bounces at audifans.com
>> [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Roger Woodbury
>> Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 5:40 AM
>> To: cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com
>> Cc: v8 at audifans.com
>> Subject: [V8] timing belts
>> I am surprised that mega people haven't said this.
>> Originally when introduced, the V8 timing belt service
>> interval was 90,000 miles. But Audi replaced a bunch of
>> engines in the 1989 and 90 V8's and dropped the interval to 60,000.
>> When the 4.2 litre engine was introduced in 1992, Audi
>> changed the interval for the larger engine to 75,000 miles.
>> But it is also supposedly written somewhere that there is a
>> time element too, and that time element is 5 years.
>> In my "new" '90 V8, when we pulled the covers we discovered
>> that the timing belt looked fine. That meant that the timing
>> belt was 18 years old and had accumulated around 62,000
>> miles. While it looked fine, it was obviously old and
>> rubbery. The mechanic and I agreed that an immediate
>> replacement was needed, and performed. We were not concerned
>> about the belt braking, but were concerned that it might be
>> getting "rubbery" enough to jump a cog or two.
>> Roger
>> P.S. All this discussion about five speeds has made me think
>> that I need to drive a five speed some day. Never have
>> driven a five speed V8....but then, musing about this last
>> night made me think that I would really like to find that
>> very nice '91 Avant and have another one of those. Either
>> way, my wife would kill me. She has already informed me that
>> in our new home the garage will NOT be larger than her kitchen....
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