[V8] timing belts
Ed Kellock
ekellock at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 12:07:19 PDT 2008
Thanks for the info. I was thinking (hoping) that the slack was probably
normal depending on where the engine came to rest in its revolutions. I
will take heed of your advice. I do not want any bad things to happen to
this car.
I have been telling people I got "another" V8, but really it is The One that
I have wanted for some time. I may actually consider selling the 93 that I
got a little less than 2 years ago. It's either that or the 1990 which is
paid for and in decent shape but not nice enough to obsess too much about
it getting damaged.
-----Original Message-----
From: lundabo at msn.com [mailto:lundabo at msn.com]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 11:00 AM
To: Ed Kellock; v8 at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [V8] timing belts
Hi Ed,
I just replaced the TB on my 2002 A8L. When at TDC, the belt was taut all
around. When I turned the engine off TDC one side was very taut, while the
other was very slack...so much so that it could slip off just as you
describe. I talked to a couple mechanics and they uniformly told me that
was normal and that is why belt slack is checked at TDC. So the slack you
are seeing may just be normal and not indicative of anything.
Now, as for those cracks...be afraid, very afraid. I wouldn't drive it at
all with cracking...a snapped belt is no fun at any level.
> From: ekellock at gmail.com
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 10:53:28 -0600
> Subject: Re: [V8] timing belts
> On my "new" 94, the belt is about 10 years and 76k miles old. The back of
> it has very small cracks like weather checking on tires. When I checked
> the belt was very loose on the driver's side cam gear, so much so that I
> could have slipped it off if I tried. Another section of the belt was snug
> though. It made me very uncomfortable with driving it much at all. I'll be
> doing the belt asap.
> Ed
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: v8-bounces at audifans.com
> > [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Roger Woodbury
> > Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 5:40 AM
> > To: cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com
> > Cc: v8 at audifans.com
> > Subject: [V8] timing belts
> >
> >
> > I am surprised that mega people haven't said this.
> >
> > Originally when introduced, the V8 timing belt service
> > interval was 90,000 miles. But Audi replaced a bunch of
> > engines in the 1989 and 90 V8's and dropped the interval to 60,000.
> >
> > When the 4.2 litre engine was introduced in 1992, Audi
> > changed the interval for the larger engine to 75,000 miles.
> >
> > But it is also supposedly written somewhere that there is a
> > time element too, and that time element is 5 years.
> >
> > In my "new" '90 V8, when we pulled the covers we discovered
> > that the timing belt looked fine. That meant that the timing
> > belt was 18 years old and had accumulated around 62,000
> > miles. While it looked fine, it was obviously old and
> > rubbery. The mechanic and I agreed that an immediate
> > replacement was needed, and performed. We were not concerned
> > about the belt braking, but were concerned that it might be
> > getting "rubbery" enough to jump a cog or two.
> >
> > Roger
> >
> > P.S. All this discussion about five speeds has made me think
> > that I need to drive a five speed some day. Never have
> > driven a five speed V8....but then, musing about this last
> > night made me think that I would really like to find that
> > very nice '91 Avant and have another one of those. Either
> > way, my wife would kill me. She has already informed me that
> > in our new home the garage will NOT be larger than her kitchen....
> >
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