[V8] wondering if I can use some vasoline to......

too many quattros thequattroking at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 20 14:01:10 PDT 2008

Good to  know thank you.


PARTING:  1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5
PARTING:  1986 Audi 4000 CS quattro

> From: Tony and Lillie <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net>
> Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 07:28:36 -0500
> To: too many quattros <thequattroking at yahoo.com>, Ingo Rautenberg
> <ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com>
> Cc: V8 Audi Fans <v8 at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: [V8] wondering if I can use some vasoline to......
> Yes, silicone, even in small amounts is harmful to an O2 sensor. One of the
> things tought in the early fuel injection days, as O2's were just coming
> into commonality.
> Tony Hoffman
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "too many quattros" <thequattroking at yahoo.com>
> To: "Ingo Rautenberg" <ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com>
> Cc: "V8 Audi Fans" <v8 at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 5:26 AM
> Subject: Re: [V8] wondering if I can use some vasoline to......
>> Honestly, I have no clue.  But the amount of silicone I have used is so
>> small I seriously doubt there would be any damage.  Does anyone know if
>> silicone lubricant can damage an 02 or cat?
>> Shayne
>> PARTING:  1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5
>> PARTING:  1986 Audi 4000 CS quattro
>>> From: Ingo Rautenberg <ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com>
>>> Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 00:49:53 -0400
>>> To: too many quattros <thequattroking at yahoo.com>
>>> Cc: <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>, V8 Audi Fans <v8 at audifans.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [V8] wondering if I can use some vasoline to......
>>> Shayne,
>>> Isn't silicone not recommended for cars with O2 sensors and cats?
>>> Thought they damaged the sensors.
>>> Ingo
>>> On Aug 20, 2008, at 12:20 AM, too many quattros wrote:
>>>> I actually freeze them over night then put either ATF or engine
>>>> assembly
>>>> lube on them.  I am sure silicone lubricant would be good too.
>>>> Shayne
>>>> PARTING:  1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5
>>>> PARTING:  1986 Audi 4000 CS quattro
>>>>> From: Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>
>>>>> Reply-To: <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>
>>>>> Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 17:20:40 -0700 (PDT)
>>>>> To: V8 Audi Fans <v8 at audifans.com>
>>>>> Subject: [V8] wondering if I can use some vasoline to......
>>>>> ......seat my injectors in the intake? I tried to soak them in gas
>>>>> as I or
>>>>> anyone else would do & I just can't get them in.
>>>>>  I was thinking of spliting the injector rail & trying to seat
>>>>> four @ a
>>>>> time.... but I was hoping to just pop them all in @ the same time.
>>>>>  Ron
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