[V8] On the end of the V8 because of fuel....

Bastian Homburg b.homburg at web.de
Thu Jun 5 22:47:01 PDT 2008

That 200 miles is round trip. From Strasbourg, France to Basel, 
Switzerland via Germany. I usually need between 70 and 80 minutes one 
way but have been able to get it over with in little over an hour when 
there's no traffic (remember, no speedlimit on the Autobahn and a 159 
mph top speed :)).
And that's a temporary thing - I'll only be doing this for a few weeks 
until moving permanently. As noted, the cost is just insane.

Ingo Rautenberg wrote:
> Wow! A 200 mile daily commute across three countries! Now that's really something I wouldn't have expected. Is that each way or round trip? I'm guessing the latter. How long (timewise) is your commute?  $1,600 monthly fuel costs would be unthinkable here. That's $19,200 a year!
> Regards,
> Ingo Rautenberg

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