[V8] 1990 V8 p/s pump

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jun 28 05:28:08 PDT 2008

Did you tighten the cap to the specified torque?  Bentley calls for 37 ft lbs.  I've resealed half a dozen pumps, and never had one of the mushroom caps start leaking again.  I always soak the O-rings in Pentosin for an hour or so before installing.  Don't know whether that has any effect, but it makes me feel better.  I also install the cap seals on the cap rather than into the pump body.  I presume lots of oil on the cap and O-ring lets the cap turn to tighten without distorting the seal.

Ed Kellock <ed.kellock at msn.com> wrote:  I pulled the pump a couple of weeks ago and replaced an o-ring in a
leaking x-cap.

Today, GF returns home from errands with Pentosin gusher. Everything's
soaked, including front bumper, headlight, lower door panels, rear tire.

It's too dirty and wet to tell what's leaking until I clean it up. I'm
hoping it's an unrelated failure. Any thoughts on whether my o-ring
repair could have caused something else downstream?

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