[V8] Well, it runs but doesn't really want to.

Mike Arman Armanmik at earthlink.net
Wed May 7 06:56:13 PDT 2008

Grrr - car is possessed by the Bosch demon (possibly a relative of Lucas 
- the inventor of darkness)

Just put a (new) new fuel pump into the car, it starts, but VERY 
reluctantly . . . crank, crank, crank, spit, roar then runs OK until the 
next start, and then crank, crank, crank, crank, spit, roar again.

This reluctance to start is new - the problem was not there before the 
original fuel pump failure, nor was it there when I installed the 
replacement pump (which pump promptly died, and Bruce sent a replacement 
for that under warranty) - what might I have disturbed, annoyed, or 
pissed off in this car which makes it suddenly quite hard to start?

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

90V8 . . . . Q

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