[V8] Well, it runs but doesn't really want to.

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Wed May 7 08:50:22 PDT 2008

I went after what I thought was a failed or failing fuel pump check
valve on my 89 200q and found that the check valve simply wasn't
appropriately tight.  That caused a loss of rest pressure and, I know
V8's are more advanced than the 10v turbos, but it kind of sounds like
it could be something similar.

If you try to start it and stop cranking after a just a few revs of
the engine and then retry, does it fire up immediately?  That would
lead me to suspect fuel pressure.

Or, what about too much gas?  When I found a v8q 5spd for sale with a
bad ecu temp sensor, the only way I could get it started was to hold
the throttle wide open and crank the starter until the power lead to
it started smoking.  Even then I had to hold the throttle open until
it warmed up.  Your issue could be a milder form of that.

Or, how fresh are the spark plugs?  If it sat for a while, you could
have a weak spark issue.

Just spitballin...


On 5/7/08, Mike Arman <Armanmik at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Grrr - car is possessed by the Bosch demon (possibly a relative of Lucas
> - the inventor of darkness)
> Just put a (new) new fuel pump into the car, it starts, but VERY
> reluctantly . . . crank, crank, crank, spit, roar then runs OK until the
> next start, and then crank, crank, crank, crank, spit, roar again.
> This reluctance to start is new - the problem was not there before the
> original fuel pump failure, nor was it there when I installed the
> replacement pump (which pump promptly died, and Bruce sent a replacement
> for that under warranty) - what might I have disturbed, annoyed, or
> pissed off in this car which makes it suddenly quite hard to start?
> Best Regards,
> Mike Arman
> 90V8 . . . . Q
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