[V8] bone head move of the year

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Mon May 12 13:36:00 PDT 2008

Woah!  Yeah, and don't forget to buy that Lotto ticket either...

You / your family / drivers on the road in your vicinity could have  


On May 12, 2008, at 1:52 PM, 32VQUATTRO wrote:

> So last week, in preparation of Carlisle, I decided to freshen up  
> the steering and suspension of V8.
> I treated her to new  rear camber links, new front control arms w/ 
> bushings and ball joints, new outer tie rod ends(also got the  
> adjusters free and lubed)
> Now, while installing the control arms, I purposely left the bolt  
> that goes through the sub-frame and inner control arm bushing  
> loose. I do this so I don't have to fight get the sway-bar through  
> the contro arml and outer bushings lined up. Now while I am doing  
> this, the wife keeps reminding me that dinner is getting cold . (oh  
> yeah.....she has to get some of the blame too) So of course now I  
> am hurrying to get it done.  Fast forward  to today.  Lunch time, I  
> run down to the local pick and pull (at a fairly high rate of  
> speed) to check out  a  car that's "just like my V8" according to a  
> co worker of mine.   Get into the yard, and sure enough, its a 1991  
> Audi 100 auto......yup....just like my 4.2 . ( I should have known  
> better) Rush all the way back to work just to get sent home (rained  
> out). Pull into the driveway, and I notice a little white coming  
> from under the car. ( I just resealed this whole motor, so know I  
> am pissed.) I look under the car to see what's leaking, and I see  
> some minor oil leak coming out the rear main seal.( I knew that was  
> in need of replacing, so now I am calm again. Until I find  that  
> bolt I forgot to tighten down ( you remember the inner control arm  
> bolt right?....yeah....that one) I reach up to feel for the nut,  
> and its gone! the only thing holding the  bolt in, was the fact it  
> was bound up!  Is it too early to start drinking? sigh.....
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