[V8] V8 leaking oil... again... and again..
Dag Bøsterud
dag.boesterud at consulgranada.net
Wed May 14 15:08:26 PDT 2008
Re: [V8] V8 leaking oil... again... and again..Ever tried retorqueing the heads? Overtorqeing them?
92 V8 4.2
----- Original Message -----
From: Korn, Bob
To: ari.palomaki at pp1.inet.fi ; dag.boesterud at consulgranada.net ; v8 at audifans.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: [V8] V8 leaking oil... again... and again..
I have exact same problem with mine, along with rear main seal. Did all the seals with last timing belt. All I can say is my alternator will never rust!
Bob Korn
Director of Sales
Pressure Relief , Explosion Venting & Oilfield Products
Fike Corporation
Cell: 816-547-3689
Sent from Sprint Blackberry
----- Original Message -----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com <v8-bounces at audifans.com>
To: Dag Bøsterud <dag.boesterud at consulgranada.net>; V8 at audifans.com <V8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Wed May 14 16:24:04 2008
Subject: Re: [V8] V8 leaking oil... again... and again..
Well, well... I can't say I'd be happy about your oil leak, but it certainly
makes it easier for me as I have suffered the _exact_ same problem for
quite some time.
Late 2006 I did more or less the same repair procedures you describe:
- rebuilt cylinder heads
- water pump/thermostat renewal
- replaced timing belt + all rollers and adjustment damper
- all oil seals including oil pump, crankshaft, cams etc.
After 200-300 kms I noticed oil dripping down to the right side under the
Most probably the leak was there immediately after the rebuild as the oil
to accumulate first on top of the engine undertray before it reaches the
The leak is not a huge one, but very disturbing. Additionally I have oil
mist inside
the timing covers. The leak seems to position itself to the right side of
the engine,
more engine oil on top of the alternator than on top of the hydraulic
pump(none there).
Fast forward to 2008: I have now taken the timing department apart for 4
times in
15 months to find the darn leak. I replaced the crank, oil pump and cam
seals twice
to make absolutely sure they aren't the ones leaking. I used a drill to turn
the oil pump
for 20 minutes to see that the oil pump seal is ok. I made pretty sure that
all the lips
of the new seals were not running on the tracks of the old seals and so on.
Still dripping.
(The problem with this engine is that you can't run it with both timing
covers detached to
really see what gives.)
Before the head rebuild I had no oil inside the timing belt covers(some
other leaks existed though),
so something changed during rebuild - I've been chewing following thoughts:
- head gasket leaking - I haven't checked, but I think there's a oil gallery
running in the front at least
in one head -> it could be worthwhile to re-tighten the head bolts a bit -
on what basis or how much,
I really don't know.
- this may be over the top - too much oil left in i.e. cylinder head bolt
threads in the block
or elsewhere resulting in a cracked block. I do tend to clean all the
not-thru-going threads in an
alum. engine, but it's been a long time since I did the rebuild and cannot
be sure anymore.
Otherwise this drooling engine is running really well w/o any problems -
have driven 10,000 mls
marking territory everywhere - very nice...
So, unfortunately I can't be of any help to you, but as my V8 serves as a
winter car, the ABH will
be lifted out this summer for further checks and full re-sealing. I will
keep you posted, please do
the same.
- Ari -
P.S. Maybe this problem exists only in Scandinavia, eh...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dag Bøsterud" <dag.boesterud at consulgranada.net>
To: <V8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:55 PM
Subject: [V8] V8 leaking oil... again... and again..
> My 92 V8 4.2 is leaking... again :(
> The problem is engine oil dripping in down on the asphalt in front and on
> the right side of the engine.
> Engine oil is also dripping down/into the timing belt area, but very
> little onto the timing belt itself.
> It's also seeping down on top of the alternator.
> This is what's been changed so far:
> Cylinder head gaskets (bot left and right) - overhauled the cylinder heads
> Intake gaskets
> Cylinder head cover gaskets
> All o-rings/seals/radial seals in connection with the heads, injectors,
> distributors etc
> Two new oil sensor (the two small ones, not the big one)
> ...the engine seemed to be okay for about 7-10 days, but now I'm back to
> square one.
> Any ideas?
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