[V8] oil leaks and such

D Morralee superdaveski at hotmail.com
Tue May 20 05:39:15 PDT 2008

more points on cyl head oil leaks. 
my feeling is the early 4.2L V8 all have a tendency to leak from where the cyl head meets the block at the driver or passenger side rear ( high mileage 300km) . When taking the head off one of these engines you will notice that the galleries are very close to the area that the oil is leaking from . My 93 V8 4.2 had the same problem and was leaking from the left rear .... hey has anyone ever said to you " hey your car is smoking man " ha ah . One time I had my foot into it on hwy 401 going 170-180 kms an hour trying to get passed this guy in a Mazda 6 and wholly s**t I thought I'd blown the motor there was a smoke screen that even a Navy couldn't of laid better in a beach an Invasion . Well when I got home I did a little work- around to stop any oil dropping onto the headers .... I built a little drip tray to go on top of the headers. What the drip tray did was if any oil happen to leak out of the cylinder head it would hit the tray and then drop onto the roadway. Then last year I took the heads off and replaced the head gaskets and haven't had a problem since. 
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