[V8] License plate bracket

Lanier Pratt lanierpratt at mac.com
Fri May 23 05:39:05 PDT 2008

Hey Roger' let me look and see is I have an extra one. We are also a 2 plate state here in MN. They just don't stop us for not having one on. I've lived here 7 years and haven't been stopped once. I'll let you know something today. 


92 V8Q
90 V8Q parts car

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-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Woodbury <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com>

Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 08:11:46 
To:V8 at audifans.com
Subject: [V8] License plate bracket

Well, I am about out of options.  I will need to register the new V8 by June
1st, and in order to pass inspection and pass the state police, I will need
to have plates on both the front and rear of the car.  

I have about exhausted the options for finding a front license plate.  There
are two available at the moment, one is partially cooched where it fastens
into the front of the bumper and the other is a $60 special from the

I am surprised that there are NONE in wrecking yards anywhere, and I have
contacted about all of them that I have listings from, from here to
California.  There are a few options still out there, but I really want a
"whole" frame, so in the end, I'll suck it up and buy one from the

Once we move to our new home, I will immediately begin a hunt for another
V8....a parts car or two or three.  Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  Don't tell my wife I
said that!


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