[V8] whur whur whur
diemarthadie at aol.com
diemarthadie at aol.com
Tue May 27 13:04:01 PDT 2008
Was it a hot day?? Had the same thing happen when the sensors were failing after a short run on a hot day.? Initially tried vapor lock and opened the gas cap, then on someones suggestion, I iced down the manifold and it started right up... weird.? Then did it again a few days later, then did it to the mechanic while it was in for something else so they swapped the sensors and it never happened again...
Or maybe it just flooded :)
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Ward <jward.v8 at gmail.com>
To: v8newlist <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Tue, 27 May 2008 11:38 am
Subject: [V8] whur whur whur
That's the sound my V8 makes when I crank the starter and it never 'catches'. (sounds asthmatic!) 1990, 178k on the clock, timing belt due in 2k (was done at 120k). I started it, moved it to a different spot on my driveway and parked it. 8hrs later, I go to start it and it won't fire up. <scratching head> I have not tried to crank it for xxSeconds to pull the codes yet - not sure what this might turn up, but will check it at lunch time. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, - Jeremy _______________________________________________ Audifans V8 mailing list Send posts to: mailto:V8 at audifans.com Manage your list connection: http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/v8 You can help keep the audifans site running by shopping at http://audifans.com/shop/
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