[V8] solved....maybe

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 13:14:22 PST 2008

It's definitely a contortion act.  I think I did remove the passenger seat
the first time I did this.  Since then I haven't.  I've never removed the
glove box.  The M can be prebent since in my "design" I just hang it on the
support brackets and let the tension of the spring keep it in place.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: v8-bounces at audifans.com 
> [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Roger Woodbury
> Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 1:29 PM
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: [V8] solved....maybe
> Well, the recirc flap is fixed.  IN a manner of speaking.  I 
> used a piece of coat hanger wire and looped a wire tie 
> through one end of the loop and the wire tie itself through 
> the bracket that held the broken cross piece.  It was pretty 
> nasty working upside down holding a small flashlight in my 
> mouth, but I finally managed to get it all together.  
> I had removed the plug from the door and looped that through 
> one end  of the spring that I had looped through the 
> coathanger wire loop.  The spring isn't in the absolutely 
> correct place, but the door is pulled closed and I think it 
> will end the majority of the problem of windows fogging over.
> By far the best way is to remove the glove box, and unless 
> you're pretty svelt, the passenger seat should be removed 
> too.  With that out of the way it would be much easier to get 
> both hands up inside to property loop either a wire "M" like 
> Ed did, or a wire tie positioned in the absolutely best place 
> to hang spring from.  But the entire operation should I ever 
> have to repeat it, will take only an hour or so, including 
> pulling out all the necessary pieces to gain access.  
> One thing I discovered that I didn't know for some reason, is 
> that the little light that lights the footwell is burned out, 
> so I will pick up one before doing the entire reassembly 
> tomorrow morning.
> And by that time, the kink in my neck may be gone, too.
> Thanks again to all for the ideas and support...this is a 
> nasty job if a dealer or professional mechanic had to do it!
> Roger
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