[V8] No Start

bblake1055 at aol.com bblake1055 at aol.com
Sun Nov 30 06:48:57 PST 2008

Also, make sure you have a "Full" charge on the battery.? I have have a weird cranking sound when the car is flooded and a weak battery.? I've had to put a jumper on it and hold the throttle wide open to clear it out and then it will slowly catch.? This usually happens after a few days of rain.

Bob Blake

90 V8
91 V8
92 V8
93 V8
93 V8 5spd

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>
To: george.fallot at verizon.net
Cc: v8 at audifans.com
Sent: Sun, 30 Nov 2008 8:08 am
Subject: Re: [V8] No Start

George, When you try to start the car does it crank like it wants to catch but 
just won't?
 Has it been sitting in the cold? Or was the car in a garage?
 What did the plugs look like that you pulled?

As far as the IGN & RPM sensors.... if you remove the connectors to test them 
your supposed to get 1K ohms.


--- On Sat, 11/29/08, george.fallot at verizon.net <george.fallot at verizon.net> 

> From: george.fallot at verizon.net <george.fallot at verizon.net>
> Subject: [V8] No Start
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 10:32 PM
> Hi guys,
>     Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving,I did until
> today.
> The last time I used the 90V8 was Thursday morning. I went
> to 
> use it late this afternoon and now it won't start.
>      I tried to pull the codes and all I get is 4444. I
> have spark
> at cylinders 1and 5 (the only ones I checked). I also have
> gas, when I take off the return line at the presure
> regulator
> and crank the engine I have gas.
>      The engine sounds different when I crank it,almost
> like
> the timing belt is broken. I took off the left timing cover
> and 
> the belt is ok. I even cranked it until the timing marks
> that I 
> put on the belt (when I changed it 6k ago) lined up.
>      The car has 160k on it and I'm thinking that maybe
> the 
> sensor that counts the flywheel teeth is bad.Neither of
> the 2 sensors have been changed.Is there a way to check it?
>     Anybody have any ideas?
>  Thanks, George
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