[V8] open vacuum line

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Mon Apr 27 17:43:53 PDT 2009

Ed Kellock wrote:
> Yes, that is the cruise control vacuum line.  It does not connect to the
> engien vacuum system at any point.  It goes through the firewall and to the
> cruise control vacuum pump in the driver's side fender well behind the
> hydraulic pump reservoir.  There is a T off of it near the driver's side
> distributor that goes to the cruise control throttle control diaphram.

> <http://home.comcast.net/~kentmclean/audi/v8/DSCF0007.JPG>

So in the image, should the T that is shown with an open end have its open
end plugged?


Kent McLean
1999 A4 Avant, V6 Tiptronic
1991 200 TQA #3, with mods
1990 V8 w/5-speed and other mods
gone: '91 200 TQA x2, '94 100 S Avant, '89 200 TQ "Bad Puppy"

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