[V8] flash of death

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon Aug 24 08:48:35 PDT 2009

The failure mode is different.  The box goes into neutral, the engine
keeps running, and while it is a temp sender, it doesn't seem to be temp

The speedo transmitter will NOT kill the engine in a V8Q, nothing to do
with the engine management system at all.  If you mean the Engine
reference sender, that will kill it, I'm aware of it, and coincidentally
I was one of the first ones to post the info to the list back in the days
when the qlist was at coimbra.   It took your tech that long to figure
out because yours is probably the only V8Q the guys ever worked on, and
you didn't consult the V8Q list,  these cars are like hens teeth, techs
who know their way around them are even rarer, more so as they age.   
Here's another link to the defect:

A bad reference sender or sensor going bad is more akin to a coil failure
etc. than what's happening here.
Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in the presence of

D Morralee <superdaveski at hotmail.com> writes:

>well this is not true . ( no disrespect to your comment ) Over the last
two years I had this type of failure 
>on my 93V84.s after 15-20 mins of driving . The car would just go dead,
but always had no problem 
>restarting. The cause was the Speedo Transmitter in the Transmission .
This made the speedometer go 
>all wonky and then the car would just quit . It took a long time to
figuar out that the Speedo Transmitter 
>could get heat soaked and fail . Why did it take two years to figuar out
... because this is a rare problem . 
>fwiw. cheers superdave 

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