[V8] Oil Consumption ABH Engine

D Morralee superdaveski at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 11 11:23:00 PST 2009

Bob , I had the same problem with my 93 4.2 a couple of years ago . The culprit was the head gasket !!! The oil passage from the block to the head is very close to the edge of the block/head. Mine was leaking on the drivers side Head / rear . The oil was then going down the block until it hit the two sensors and then onto the exhaust. superdave 
> From: bw at UDel.Edu
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 13:01:19 -0500
> Subject: Re: [V8] Oil Consumption ABH Engine
> I have a small oil consumption problem in a 4.2 ABH V8 engine that might be oil 
> escaping the engine. This occurs after my Audi has been driven at highway speed 
> (high oil pressure) and braked to a stop. I get light external smoke and the smell of 
> hot oil coming out from under the hood. I believe oil is dripping under pressure 
> onto the junction of the exhaust pipes just below/behind the engine. I am hoping 
> this is not the rear seal, but possibly from the breather hose into the crankcase etc. 
> Since others have concerns over high pressure related oil consumption, is leaking 
> oil near the exhaust a common problem? Bob Williams
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