[V8] 5sp roll call again

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 7 06:45:59 PST 2009

OK, since there has been some intrest in this subject I thought I'd see what has & hasn't changed.

Me- Blk/Blk 91 5sp
Joe Fritz- TRUE 90 5sp Titan Grey/Grey
Bob G- TRUE 90 5sp Titan grey/Grey
Scott Dewitt- 91 5sp Blk/Blk & Pearl/Grey
Ed Kellock- 91 5sp Opal/Grey
Ingo- 91 5sp Pearl/Blk
Shayne- 91 5sp Cayenne/Trav
Scott Matus- 91 5sp Pearl/Blk
Paul Intemann- 91 5sp Pearl/Grey
Benn Powell- 91 5sp Pearl/Blk & Lago/Blk
Marky Mark- 91 5sp Pearl/Blk
George Turr- 91 5sp Blk/Trav
Paul Fernandes- 91 5sp Blk/? & 91 5sp Blk/????
Dave Head- 91 5sp ????????
Dave Weiss- 91 5sp Blk/Grey
Dave C- 91 5sp Pearl/Blk (Dave H's new car?) 
Dave C's got a friend with a 91 5sp Lago/????
Bernie from Clevland- 91 5sp Blk/Trav
Radek- 91 5sp Pearl/Blk
Tony from Montana- 91 5sp Tornado Red/?????
Kyle L- 91 5sp Pearl/Grey
Scott- 91 5sp Cyclamen/?????
Gerry (Steve B's friend) 91 5sp ?/?
Enzder- 91 5sp Blk/Blk
Mendezworks- 91 5sp Pearl/Grey & 91 5sp Pearl/????
Pete- 91 5sp Cyclamen/Grey
Bob Blake- 93 4.2 5sp convert ?/?

 OK, So what has changed with the above mentioned cars?



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