[V8] flashing cat light

Seamus O'Carey cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 18:56:20 PST 2009

I have pretty much the same issue.

Your options are:
A. Remove them, but unless you have the equipment to remove them yourself,
you'd have to find a shop willing to do the work.  It's a HUGE fine if they
get caught, though, so most won't want to.
B. Rather than remove them you can just gut them (jam a rod through them
over and over until nothing is left inside), but again you'll have to find a
way to remove and replace them.  If our cats are bolt-ons it won't be a
problem, but if they're welded in place you'll have the same trouble as
option A.

I was thinking about just gutting my cats if it turns out they're just
bolted in place, but it seems like cats are usually welded at least at one


On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Curtis Helton <fatboy03 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Have had that every since I bought the car. It runs great. No hesitation,
> stuttering, ect.
> Only thing it does every once in a while is it will not start and stay
> running after it's warmed up. I have to give it some gas to keep it
> running.
> After I take off in it, it's fine.I did VAG it and their were NO codes.
> Several questions here.
> 1. Can I get rid of the cats all together w/o to much trouble? Thinking I
> would like a little louder exhaust than stock. Also no emission testing.
> So,
> no worries there.
> 2. As far as how it doesn't want to stay running while trying to start it
> after it's warmed up.Would that have anyhing to do with the cats?
> TIA,
> Curtis
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