[V8] So Tony comes to visit and...

qshipq at aol.com qshipq at aol.com
Mon Jan 19 10:26:59 PST 2009

 I agree that if you replace this clutch pedal - you will break it again.? This is classic symptoms of a done clutch.? I've seen it happen from a frozen TOB, and I've seen it happen from a clutch that just welded itself to the PP.? IME with this symptom, the repair is never the clutch pedal assbly

Scott J



-----Original Message-----
From: Ingo Rautenberg <ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com>
To: V8List Fans <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 10:27 pm
Subject: [V8] So Tony comes to visit and...

We decide to dig out my two V8 5 speeds from 18" of snow.  Well, we  
had moved the pearl one and I went to move it again after we set up  
the jumper cables and...damn!  The clutch pedal went to the floor.   
So we figured it was either the clutch master or slave.  Upon closer  
inspection it appears the clutch pedal BROKE -- apparently where the  
clutch pedal mounts to the master cylinder!  Needless to say,  

Has this happened to anyone else before?


PS:  We will be replacing the right front half shaft on Tony's 4kq as  
well.  Even if if he does hate V8s -- he will not go home unscathed!!!!
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