[V8] Cash for Clunkers

Bastian Preindl bastian at preindl.net
Fri Jul 24 13:25:39 PDT 2009

> I then looked at the other cars in the same price range and all came up lacking, including the toyota Camry, Nissan Altima, and a Honda who's make I forgot . No Gas non hybrid SUV would qualify and even some of the hybrid's wouldn't qualify either. All of these cars essentially felt like tin cans with wheels.
> Then I considered that once I drove off the lot that car would instantly been devalued by at least the amount of the Cash for clunkers program would offer meaning the trade in was essentially useless.
> Then I researched the amount of pollution, resources, and energy it would take to manufacture a new car versus keep the V8's on the road and the V8 came ahead on this as well. 

True words, indeed!

We've the same programs running currently in all over Europe, 
camouflaged as "help for the environment". Yawn.

Am not sure, but in Austria it's 1500.- EU for a car being older than 12 
years and still operating and in Germany it's even 2500.- EU. Anyways, 
it doesn't consume a lot of time to find out that this is still a waste 
of money. Exactly your points count against buying a brand new car all 
time, not only when I have to give mine in for getting the new car a bit 
cheaper. That thousands of cars which would do well a couple of other 
years end up wrecked for nothing is again another chapter. I don't even 
wanna have a closer look at local Audi dealers 'cause I'm sure they're 
wrecking one Audi 100, 200 and V8 after another. Worst is that you're 
even not allowed to remove any part from the car (at least not in 
Austria). Crazy.

Keep the V8 (on the other hand: When you really start consider wrecking 
it for a Chrysler, better you sell it to an enthusiast ;).


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