[V8] Autolite 103

Seamus O'Carey cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 19:41:17 PST 2009

That's a good call on using tape to hold the socket to the extension.  I got
the socket stuck in there and had to use my long needlenose pliers to get it
out again.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 7:11 PM, toml99 at todomundo.com
<toml99 at todomundo.com>wrote:

> I also duct tape the plug socket to the 1 ft extension, since my
> rubber insert holds the plugs so tight, the socket pull's free from
> the extension after torquing them.....(22 ft./lbs)....There's no
> crush gasket, so don't overtorque them...I'm also a fan of dielectric
> grease on the tips/wire ends.  Have never verified this, but believe
> that the dielectric or "tune up" grease is just silicone grease.  I
> remember the first time I pulled the plugs, had a hard time getting a
> few of the wire's off.....had always wondered what that funny orange
> thing was, then...aha!  No American car's going to give you a plug
> wire puller....I just thought that was sooooo cool. My feeler gauges/
> gap tool were all too rusty to read, but after checking a few, the
> Autolite's seemed they were pre gapped @ .032(which I believe is the
> gap).  Tom
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