[V8] Autolite 103

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Thu Mar 5 19:41:29 PST 2009

I believe you are right about the silicone grease Tom.  You can't use  
enough of that stuff on the plug boots.  And - I have also learned to  
duct tape the extension onto the spark plug socket.

Part of the factory tune up spec for my '83 ranger is to coat the  
inside of the distributor cap - especially the electrodes - with gobs  
of silicone grease.  I just replaced the OEM cap on that motor last  
summer.  26 years is not a bad service life for a distributor cap.   
The only reason I had to replace it was one of the wires came loose  
from the cap and it ended up burning the electrode up.  No telling how  
many years it was like that - it actually ran pretty good on 3.5  
cylinders though.
I considered doing this to the V8 caps too because they cost so much -  
but never did.
I am sure the Audi gods will make me pay...

On Mar 5, 2009, at 8:11 PM, toml99 at todomundo.com wrote:

> I also duct tape the plug socket to the 1 ft extension, since my
> rubber insert holds the plugs so tight, the socket pull's free from
> the extension after torquing them.....(22 ft./lbs)....There's no
> crush gasket, so don't overtorque them...I'm also a fan of dielectric
> grease on the tips/wire ends.  Have never verified this, but believe
> that the dielectric or "tune up" grease is just silicone grease.  I
> remember the first time I pulled the plugs, had a hard time getting a
> few of the wire's off.....had always wondered what that funny orange
> thing was, then...aha!  No American car's going to give you a plug
> wire puller....I just thought that was sooooo cool. My feeler gauges/
> gap tool were all too rusty to read, but after checking a few, the
> Autolite's seemed they were pre gapped @ .032(which I believe is the
> gap).  Tom
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