[V8] Bypassing starter switch

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue May 19 14:20:14 PDT 2009

The switch is relatively easy to fix, easier to fix than a cooked harness
if you accidentally bridge the wrong connections.  Buy the switch and use
it "manually" by plugging into the connector until you get around to
replacing the defective one.  Bonus is it'll give you a chance to test
the new one for a while too.  Hope it's not the tumbler assembly, if it
is there is a work around I've found for the 8 hour procedure Audi calls

"God's a kid with an ant farm. He's not planning anything."

"toml99 at todomundo.com" <toml99 at todomundo.com> writes:
> Hi all....my pearl car stranded me after coming back from Halibut  
> fishing on the coast.....Borrowed a tilt-bed trailer, and the front  
> airdam under the bumper is a bit worse for wear upon  
> unloading......Anyway, I just jumpered at the starter, and it spun 
> (starter rebuilt a few months ago)....Thinking it's the key switch.  
> Pulled the connector off, and when I jumper between the fat red/2  
> medium blacks....got lights/etc.  Thinking I want to jumper between  
> the fat red-red/black to get the starter to go, but wanted to check  
> before doing so......(switch wire @ starter is red/black).  I had a  
> jury-rigged switch system in my Toyota truck for the entire 15 years 
> I owned it.....Just want to know if I'm right in my assumption/need  
> to jumper any of the other wires?......Hope all's well...Sincerely 
> Tom


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