[V8] After the 1st couple of minutes, I stopped groaning...

ville.hiivola at suomi24.fi ville.hiivola at suomi24.fi
Wed Apr 28 01:47:49 PDT 2010

Heh, i guess i would translate it something like: "That was bad (for 
them)". But i guess one of yours would sound better. ;)
Then again, i guess they weren't that bad off, if they have such good 
roll-cages, as Ari pointed out.

>----Alkuperäinen viesti----

>Lähettäjä: toml99 at todomundo.com

>Päivämäärä: 28.04.2010 4:27

>Vastaanottaja: "v8audi"<v8 at audifans.com>

>Aihe: [V8]  After the 1st couple of minutes, I stopped groaning...


>Hey Ville, my translator thingy said that meant "This is now  

>badly".....guessing maybe slang for "It's Bad $#%@^", or maybe 

>is REALLY bad"....or these are really Badas #$@%#$'rs....Either 

>there wasn't a lot of good in there, if you were in the driver's  

>seat.....Loved the emotion from the crowd.....Tom


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