[V8] Can Anyone verify this? Actual V8 Production numbers?

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Fri Feb 5 08:05:49 PST 2010

Check the archives, it's probably the most discussed car no one has ever
seen since the Cheby/Dorf/Doodge that left the factory with the 150MPG

The 1995 Audi V8Q was listed on the "most stolen" vehicles insurance list
a decade or so ago, 100% of them got stolen (1) is the only way it making
the list made sense at the time.

Yahoo nuked my website with no warning.
Fight organized crime: Re-elect no  one...
<toml99 at todomundo.com> writes:
> OK, who's got the 1 '95?...first I've heard of that...Tom

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