[V8] Alternator rebuild kits

NIck Miller chance9121 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 16:49:36 PST 2010

Hey all,

It's official after the bearing noise as well as the battery symbol now
showing up, that my alternator is on its way out the door.  So, yet another
ancillary belt driven thingy is going to come off for a rebuild.  The
hydraulics are disturbingly quiet and dry at this moment, hopefully the
alternator job results in the same..

So, I can't find any at the typical parts sources which makes sense.  I'm
curious if anyone knows of a good place to get rebuild kits for these
things, or am I going to be looking for the parts at a local place?  I would
appreciate anyone who does have a local source to maybe get me the parts and
send them so i don't have to take the unit off the car and go around
matching brushes/bearings... But we do have a US bearings and Drives place
here that has a good selection of random stuff.

Thanks as always,

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