[V8] O2 sensor circuit, rewire from Ecu?

NIck Miller chance9121 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 19:48:10 PST 2010

Bloody Hell, and Oh Joy.   Driving around today, actually popped a code and
I just took them.  Man, my car basically made a wishlist in the ECU fault
code storage area.

Codes were all taken while the engine was running so as not to get false
ones. I picked out in the engine side codes 2112, 2113 - in reference to
Hall sender.  Then code 2341 - in referenece to O2 sensor.

Looks like my Hall sender in the dizzy is bad/on its way out, and this is
causing a bad ignition event, possibly dumping too much fuel, ruining the O2
sensors reading.  So it may not be my O2 circuit, but my Hall sender ruining

Trans side I got 1131- Solenoid Valve, 1323- Kick down switch, 2131- Brake
Light Switch, and 1314 MFS.

But, the trans runs fine and doesn't go to limp mode.  I still need to
adjust the MFS so that it is all lined.  Sometimes when you are in park
physically, the dash says you are in Reverse, then it will go into limp mode
as soon as you try and start it back up.  Just have to fiddle with it a
bit.  2131 looks to be bogus too, I didn't hit the brake after starting the
car.  I think Kick-down is just something that always breaks and can't be
fixed, right?

ugh.  I've read that the Hall sender causes a slight stumble at Idle (got
that) and funny power/driving conditions (check), as well as bad mileage (oh
yes).  So, maybe that's it.  Woo.

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