[V8] wandering V8

Brian K. Ullrich bullrich at ullrichsys.com
Tue Jan 5 09:30:18 PST 2010

I wonder if that is a trait of the studded tires? In the Dallas-area, we
never use studded tires in winter. I would think that even if the sub-frame
mounts were marginal, a concerted effort by the driver to track straight on
grooved roads would be successful, at least until the bushings just
completely gave way.


So, if the suspension and steering components are ok, then I have to think
that the sub-frame bushings are the culprit. The lower control arms and
other steering components bolt up to it. That's still got my vote.  :-)



From: Rich Ehlert [mailto:bkrddrvs at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 10:44 AM
To: Brian K. Ullrich
Subject: Re: [V8] wandering V8


Just a thought.  Mine used to track left to right following the grooves in
the road provided by the studded tires allowed here in WA & ID.  Thought I
had a problem, but if I make an effort to stay out of the grooves, It stays
on line.  Once I get on roads without a lot of traffic, I don't seem to have
a problem.  Tracks straight & true.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 7:27 AM, Brian K. Ullrich <bullrich at ullrichsys.com>

Second on the subframe bushings. This is the exact behavior mine exhibited
before I changed them.

-----Original Message-----

I vote for bad subframe bushings. These are old cars; if the bushings
haven't been replaced (within the last 10 years), it's time.


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