[V8] window won't go up

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Thu Jan 21 16:23:20 PST 2010

urq wrote:
> What you do is to slip the two pin
> piece from the 3 pin piece on the switch.  Install the 3 pin piece on the
> door switch as it was originally, but rotate the 2 pin piece 180 degrees and
> install it on the switch.  Now up will be down and vice versa, and the
> chances are you'll be able to get the window back up.  No need to pull seats
> or door panels, only the arm rest.  

I've put 12V directly to those 2 pins, but nada. I'll give the "reverse the
2 pins on the switch" a try, hoping something in the whole scheme of Audi
wiring will do the right thing. Reversing a couple of connectors is a lot
easier than pulling the door apart.

Results and pictures as I try more things.


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