[V8] V8 Twin Turbo?

Bastian Homburg b.homburg at web.de
Wed Jan 27 13:32:57 PST 2010

In the US, you could. But don't forget that this is Germany. Home of the 
TUEV and a nation with an extremely tight regulatory framework that 
makes cheap DIY engine power boost mods virtually impossible to legally 
drive on the road. Getting the necessary paperwork for this stuff costs 

NIck Miller wrote:
> I would doubt that getting an RS6 vice turbocharging an Audi V8 is the 
> cheapest option.  You can get a fabbed kit for the Miata with ECU for 
> 5-6k, so double that and subtract maybe 1-2 grand as you don't need 
> the ECU twice :-D.   Now, thats if you're really lazy.   As well, a 
> custom fabricator will have few issues doing a turbo kit on the V8.  
> I've seen some of these guys tackle far worse projects and prevail.
> Or, you can DIY.  Screw buying 1200 Garrett turbo's like this tool 
> here <--- and get some used 3K or T-series stuff, or even diesel 
> holsets.   Learn how to weld, or figure out a way to get manifolds 
> made.  Make a DIY Megasquirt for your car, and then get 
> exhaust/plumping figured out, and injectors, and you're technically 
> good to go.
> I'd bet at 3-4k in you'd be able to pull off an SC/Turbo kit.   20k is 
> ridiculous, who the hell do they think they are DINAN?  Sounds about 
> right with the price, hmph.

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