[V8] Sensors? Still No Hot Start

Scott Phillips Scottp at ippe.com
Fri Jul 9 11:43:32 PDT 2010

Have you pulled any codes since it was doing this? 
When was the last time a TB service was done / or have you inspected the
position of the cams to make sure it hasn't jumped a few teeth. 
What do the spark plugs look like after it dies and will not restart? 
What is the condition / operation of the Fuel Pressure Regulator? 

The V8 doesn't require direction from the Hall Sender for operation or
startup. The Hall sender WILL however allow the ECU to advance the
timing curve (and injector pulse) upon acceleration when needed. If it's
broke the ECU will sub in a default value. 

The MAF/IAT/CTS All determine how much fuel to be added per cycle. None
of them individually (AFAIK) will cause a no start. 

The power output of the coil however... once the coil(s) become hot you
can be getting a intermittent break there..

Keep us posted.

Scott P

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