[V8] Sensors? Still No Hot Start

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 9 14:21:53 PDT 2010

The ECU has default settings if it gets no signal from the CTS, IAT, and 
Hall sensors. If it's running that poorly all the time, then not restarting, 
I'd be checking the whole ignition system over carefully, starting the 
plugs, then wires, caps and rotors. Also, unplug the O2 sensor, then run in 
till warm, and see if it runs better.

Does the tach bounce while cranking when the engine isn't starting?


----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: Re: [V8] Sensors? Still No Hot Start

> Hi, Only the guides on the plugs of the $33. sensors had to be reduced to 
> fit my
> sockets.
> I still have an engine that starts right up... And then, runs rich with an 
> unburnt
> smell. After reaching operating temperature it can not be re-started. I 
> guess the
> oxygen sensor failed prematurely, it even has a dent. Can a bad oxygen 
> sensor
> stop ignition? It even runs like the timing was off, when ether is 
> injected trying to
> start up when hot. My service manual for the new V8 states engine speed, 
> coolant
> temperature, throttle position and intake air volume signals are fed to 
> the ECU.
>  What sender could cause a no-start when hot besides the ref/speed 
> sensors?
> Temp sensor when hot?
>  The Hall sender controls the #1 cylinder injector timing, so could 
> probably stop
> the injectors, if it is tied to temperature sensors. Has anyone had this 
> problem if it
> was not due to the ref/speed sensors? It ran great not long ago. 

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