[V8] Something odd here

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sun Jul 11 21:15:41 PDT 2010

Kent McLean <kentmclean at comcast.net> writes:
> If it's this one:
> Those are genuine Audi seats, the optional GIS sport seats.  Like 
> you,
> I've kept an eye on Cabrios, and I've seen a few, very few, sport 
> seats.

Thanks, I had no clue WTF he was talking about, a link or auction # might
be helpful when soliciting comments about something you've seen on-line. 
Those seats look like something off the Starship Enterprise, can't say
they're my cup O tea style wise, but they look very comfy (which is more
important than looks any day.)

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