[V8] coolant hose

urq urq at pacbell.net
Tue Mar 16 23:43:49 PDT 2010

I find the V8 to be fairly easy in this regard.  You probably have enough
slack to trim it a bit to stop the leak ... but I know I always worry where
the other leaks are when I find one.  It seems to me that I've had a few
pinhole leaks on the V8s.  I wonder if it is because there are so many
different hoses.  

The hoses are fitted to snake through the area near the firewall, so you
might have to work a bit to get more hose to make it to the fitting.  Of
course pulling the airbox will be helpful, pulling the bracket that holds
the spark plug wires should make the job pretty easy ... 

Steve Buchholz

-----Original Message-----

Have been losing coolant slowly for some time in the 1990 V8.  At least one
of the two hoses that goes from the engine to the heater core is leaking.  I
think it's just the feed hose, the upper one as seen at the back of the
engine.  It looks like i has a pinhole leak.
I'm wondering if I can "fix" it by cutting and splicing or if I should
replace, and if so, how difficult a job that is.
Anybody have any experience with this?

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